What is the SSA Compassionate Allowance List?

What is the SSA Compassionate Allowance List?When you or a family member is disabled and unable to work, applying for Social Security disability benefits can help relieve the financial burden; however, the disability benefits process can be complicated and time-consuming. Most individuals who file for SSI or SSDI do not receive a decision on their application until four to six months after the claim is filed and the appeals process could take a year or more.

For many people, their situation is dire and they cannot wait this long for the SSA to process their disability claim. If you are in this situation, you may qualify for an expedited decision if your condition is on the SSA List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions (CAL).

What is the SSA List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions?

Medical impairments on the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions are extremely severe resulting in the inability to work; therefore, it is clear that the applicant qualifies for SSI or SSDI benefits.

The SSA recognized that individuals with certain medical conditions require immediate assistance; therefore, the SSA streamlined the application process by eliminating some of the required information. It also expedites the application of an individual who is suffering from an impairment on the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions. This results in a decision within weeks rather than months. This can eliminate much of the stress and financial burden for an individual suffering from a severe medical impairment.

You do not need to complete a special application if your medical impairment is on the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions. Once you submit your SSI or SSDI application and your condition is identified as a CAL condition, the SSA will automatically fast-track your disability benefits application. Even though the CAL process cuts some of the paperwork required to approve your disability application, you must submit evidence that you have been diagnosed with an impairment on the CAL list.

What Types of Medical Impairments are on the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions?

Currently there are over 200 medical impairments on the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions. Most of the conditions involve medical impairments that can result in death or completely render the individual disabled and unable to perform any gainful activities. Examples of conditions on the CAL list include Huntingdon Disease, Hepatorenal Syndrome, Joubert Syndrome, Zellweger Syndrome, and many forms of cancer. A complete list can be found on the SSA website.

Contact an Experienced Kentucky Social Security Benefits Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The SSI and SSDI lawyers of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC assist individuals in applying for Social Security disability benefits. We also file appeals for individuals who have been denied disability benefits. The SSI and SSDI application process can be difficult and time-consuming; however, out attorneys can make the process less stressful for you and your family.

Our law firm represents clients throughout central Kentucky. Contact us at our Radcliff and Elizabethtown Office in Hardin County at (270) 351-6032 or toll-free at 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a free bankruptcy consultation. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.