Do I Really Need an Attorney for a Personal Injury?

Shouldn't I just save myself the money I'd pay in attorney's fees and go through the insurance company to get paid for my slip and fall accident?This is a question asked by many accident victims. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident or other accident caused by the negligent, reckless or careless acts of another party, you may have wondered this very same thing. Insurance companies want people to believe that hiring an attorney to represent them in a slip and fall accident is unnecessary and a waste of money. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is in the best interest of the insurance company that a slip and fall victim does not hire an attorney but it is certainly not in the best interest of the injured person.

Insurance Company Tactics to Reduce Claim Amounts

Insurance companies are businesses and, as with all businesses, they want to increase their profits and reduce their costs. Paying insurance claims is a cost of doing business for an insurance company; therefore, if it can reduce this cost it can increase profits. Insurance companies spend an enormous amount of money training insurance adjusters in how to reduce the amount of money paid on claims. What may seem like a very common and legitimate request by an insurance adjuster could hurt your claim in the future.

For example, almost every insurance adjuster will request that you give a recorded statement to set forth the facts of the accident. However, personal injury attorneys strongly advise against providing a recorded statement without consulting with an attorney first. In most cases, the attorney will advise against a recorded statement even after consulting with the attorney. Anything that the victim says during the statement can be used during a trial to damage the strength of the case. For example, most people tend to downplay their injuries by saying they are doing “well” or “okay” when a stranger asks them how they are feeling. This could be used to claim that the victim’s injuries are not as severe as he or she claims because the victim was “okay” when asked during the interview.

Another tactic is for the insurance company to request a medical release form. This may seem like a reasonable request; however, if the victim does not review the form carefully, he or she may be signing a blanket medical release form. This form allows the insurance company to access all of the victim’s medical records instead of just the records from the automobile accident. Insurance companies then review the records to find a previous condition or injury that they will use to claim the current injuries may not be solely related to the accident.

Level the playing field to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve by hiring an experienced slip and fall attorney rather than trying to handle the insurance company on your own.

Contact an Experienced Radcliff and Elizabethtown Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The personal injury attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined legal experience helping people just like you. We want to help you receive the compensation that you deserve for your injuries. We represent clients in Hardin County, Jefferson County and throughout central Kentucky from our offices in Radcliff and Elizabethtown and Louisville.

Contact us at (270) 351-6069 or 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.   We look forward to meeting with you to discuss how we can help you hold the party responsible for your injuries liable for your damages.